The Equitable, Sustainable, and Equal Energy Economics (ESEEE) Model

The Equitable, Sustainable, and Equal Energy Economics (ESEEE) model is based on the energy production of community-built renewable energy micro-grids and the construction of LEED certified real estate developments. The ESEEE model is inspired by socioeconomics and designed to create a circular economy from manufacturing to construction, workforce to consumer, and energy creation to consumption. This model can be implemented on either the micro or macro level. Equitableness, sustainability, and equality go hand in hand and the ESEEE model has been created to ensure that all of these concerns are addressed.

The ESEEE model, as mentioned earlier, is inspired by socioeconomics, a belief that economics is directly related to society, polity, and culture. All of these elements affect competition and in order for an economy to function efficiently there must be some type of order that establishes a type of harmonious balance between them all. One-sided views often hinder and prevent positive economic growth, and those with power and influence sometimes use these powers in ways that do not benefit the people and can actually cause more problems than they were meant to solve. Economic prosperity is the right of all and can be achieved in ways that do not have to harm current establishments, and in theory could be even more profitable than the current status quo. The ESEEE model is designed to create a harmonious relationship between the public, private, and government sectors and will help a larger number of the population to gain more financial freedom and would only lead to a more prosperous, sustainable, and resilient economy.

The ESEEE model is also designed to meet our needs as humans. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs higher up. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization.

The ESEEE model focuses primarily on the bottom 2 tiers of the pyramid, physiological needs and safety needs, but does affect all tiers. The ESEEE model and its supporters, in order to meet the needs presented in Maslow’s hierarchy, leverage the opportunities presented by green energy, farming, and building practices. Starting with manufacturing as its foundation, the ESEEE model leverages these opportunities to bring equitable, sustainable, and equal economic growth to all.

Starting with manufacturing, the ESEEE model sets the foundation for its green economy by first establishing manufacturing facilities of green building products necessary to build LEED certified properties that meet human safety and physiological needs … jobs and homes. After manufacturing facilities are established, the construction of LEED certified residential and commercial properties will begin, further meeting community needs. These LEED properties will then be connected together creating a new power grid and passive income for the community and its residents, completing the foundation for the ESEEE model’s circular economy. Once the foundation of the ESEEE model is established, other aspects of human need can be addressed by the model as well.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs